Payment Schedule for Lips
Total Cost: $650
Split into 3 separate payments
-$100 Non-Refundable Deposit due at the time of booking
-$250 due at the Initial Treatment appointment
-$200 due at the Perfecting Session appointment
Jennifer Mohr Microblading is cash only. No other form of payment will be accepted.

(*Deposit goes towards the price of the Initial Treatment, leaving a remainder of $350Â due at the appointment*)
The Initial Treatment is scheduled for 3-4 hours. Since each appointment is unique to the client, some appointments need the full 4 hrs, some do not. During the first 1-2 hrs, the shape of the lips will be perfected and drawn, correcting any asymmetry. During this time, It is not uncommon to be asked to lay down and sit up multiple times, as well as smile to ensure that the shape of the lips are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. This is the most important step of the procedure.
Once the shape is measured, drawn, and rechecked, the client will be asked to critique anything that is unpleasing to them. When the client has approved the shape, the actual tattooing takes place. It is typical for the entire tattooing process to last 1-2 hours.
An aftercare kit with instructions are given to the client and reviewed before the client leaves. Healing time is typically 1 week.

The reason for the Required Perfecting Session is because during the healing process, the color may fade between 30-50%. This session allows for the color to be filled in to fine tune the overall shape and look of the lips.
The lips are not considered complete without the Perfecting Session.
After the Perfecting Session, there is no need for another session until your Annual Touch Up. Annual Touch Ups are every 2-3 years, depending oh how well the skin holds the pigment.

(+ $50 for clients transitioning from a previous artist)
Annual Touch Ups are recommended every 2-3 years. During the annual appointments, the lips may need to be mapped out and contoured during this time to perfect the shape. The overall color is boosted, bringing back vibrance to the lips.